Should wrapped instruments be paper up or paper down?
Always go with what the manufacturer recommends
The following are Melags recommendations:
Stack transparently wrapped sterilization packages if possible edgewise in such a way that alternately paper side lies on paper side and foil side on foil side; if this is not possible, then with the paper side facing downwards.
For sterilizing mixed loads, observe the following instructions:
Always place textiles on the top
sterilization containers at the bottom
unwrapped instruments at the bottom
Transparently wrapped sterilization packages and paper packaging on the top –exception: in combination with textiles on the bottom, The heaviest loads at the bottom
Other brands recommendations:
Lisa MB17, 300 & 500 models:
Position sterilization bags with the paper side facing up.
Mocom Futura:
Laminate pouches should be placed
Plastic side up - Paper side down